Culture of Peace: what is it?
As defined by the Culture of Peace Alliance (COPA), the Culture of Peace is an evolving paradigm (mental house or system) in which individuals, groups, and nations are cooperatively building systems of sustainable just peace through nonviolent means based on a partnership and a Quality of Life Index. Though much of humanity still sees the world from a Culture of War perspective that inhibits their capacity to even imagine a world of peace, more and more persons, groups, and even some nations are envisioning and implementing Culture of Transformation and Culture of Peace consciousness and practices. Accordingly, COPA formed with the intent to steadfastly facilitate a paradigm shift that will make the Culture of Peace so real that it will be difficult for anyone to imagine a Culture of War. Together, we can lay claim to the Culture of Peace in the ways we live our daily lives and the ways we envision, expect, and work to create a world at peace. In which mental house do you live? There's plenty of open space for those wanting to take up Culture of Peace residency. Join us!